ICSA 2020 Applied Statistics Symposium (Moved to Virtual from December 13-16, 2020)

Important Update

Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, the Organizing Committee has decided to move the ICSA 2020 Applied Statistics Symposium on December 13-16 (Sunday-Wednesday), 2020 to a virtual conference. The theme of this conference is Advancing Statistics for Data Intelligence.  Please visit https://symposium2020.icsa.org/ for details.  

New Key Dates:

  •       Invited Session Abstract Submission Deadline: October 15, 2020
  •       Early Bird Registration Deadline: Discounted registration fee for early birds before or on October 31, 2020
      •     Students: $20
      •     ICSA members: $100
      •     Non-ICSA members: $130
  •      New! Abstract Submission for Poster Session and Poster Award Competition Deadline: October 31, 2020
  •      Online short course early bird registration deadline: October 31                                                                                                                        
  •      Scholarship for students and junior faculty are available 
  •      Career service is available for registered conference attendees for free

All the conference activities and events (including Monday night mixer/live poster session and Tuesday night award ceremony) will be scheduled
as virtual events.

For those who have registered, we will refund the difference of the event fees upon request. You need to submit your refund request to symposium2020@icsa.org by October 31, 2020. If you have any questions or concerns, please also send an email to symposium2020@icsa.org.


Call for Poster Awards Applications

Eligible poster presenters will be considered for poster awards. A student, postdoc, junior faculty, or junior statistician with PhD or terminal degree conferred in 2016 or later, who is also the first author of the poster and completes the symposium registration, is eligible for the poster award competition. The student paper award winners are not eligible for the poster award. Three to six poster award winners will be selected based on the evaluation criteria below. Each winner will receive a monetary prize ($550 for each prize) and an award certificate.

Poster award evaluation criteria:

  • Statistical methodology and theories: novelty and appropriateness
  • Applications: significance, importance, and impact
  • Poster quality: style, organization, and visuals
  • Presentation quality: clear presentation and proactive interactions with poster viewers

The abstract of the poster should be submitted through the ICSA 2020 Applied Statistics Symposium online system by October 31, 2020. Each poster will be assigned a poster number. All the posters should be hanged on the poster boards before 6PM on December 14, 2020. More detailed instructions for poster size, preparation and production will be available on the symposium website. For those who are eligible and are willing to participate in the poster award competition, you need to check the box of “eligible for the poster award competition” and register before October 31, 2020.

Executive Committee

  • Executive Committee Chair: Hulin Wu (University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston)
  • Scientific Program Chair: Momiao Xiong (University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston) and Jianhua Huang (Texas A&M University)
  • Program Book and Website Committee Chair: Yunxin Fu and Ashraf Yaseen (University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston)
  • Local Committee Chair: Hongyu Miao (University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston)
  • Treasurer: Dejian Lai (University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston)
  • Student Paper Competition Committee Chair: Ruosha Li (University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston) and Jing Ning (University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center)
  • Poster Session Committee Chair: Dr. Xi Luo, Associate Professor, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

  • Short Course Committee Chair: Wenyi Wang (University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center)
  • Fundraising Committee Chair: Rui (Sammi) Tang (Servier Pharmaceuticals)

Dr. Hulin Wu at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (hulin.wu@uth.tmc.edu) chairs the Organization Committee.

ICSA 2020 Applied Statistics Symposium (Moved to Virtual from December 13-16, 2020)
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