Student Travel Awards and Jiann-Ping Hsu Pharmaceutical and Regulatory Sciences Student Paper Award


To encourage student members of ICSA to participate and to share their research at the annual ICSA applied Symposium, ICSA offers Student Travel Awards and one Jiann-Ping Hsu Pharmaceutical and Regulatory Sciences Student Paper Award for outstanding student papers. 


The applicant must be an ICSA member at the time of manuscript submission, a doctoral degree candidate in any term during the academic year of the symposium at an accredited institute, and be able to register and present the research work at the symposium. The paper must not be published or accepted for publication at the time of submission.


Available Awards

In normal situations, up to six student award winners (five Student Travel Awards, one Jiann-Ping Hsu Pharmaceutical and Regulatory Sciences Student Paper Award) will be selected. Each winner will receive a plaque, an award for travel and registration reimbursement up to $1000 or a cash award of $550, whichever is bigger, as well
as a free registration for a short course. 

For details student travel awards at the ICSA 2020 Applied Symposium, please visit


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