President’s Citation 2018

Dr. Dong Han, Dr. Dejun Tang, Dr. Lanju Zhang

Photo of Dr. Dong Han

Dong Han, Ph.D. Shanghai Jiao Tong University

In recognition with a sincere appreciation of his dedicated service as one of co-chairs of the Local Organizing Committee for the 10th ICSA International Conference on December 19-22, 2016.


Photo of Dr. Dejun Tang

Dejun Tang, Ph.D. Novartis

In recognition of his dedicated service and extraordinary leadership in organizing ICSA China Conferences in 2014, 2015, and 2016, and as the Chair of ICSA Shanghai Committee 2013-2016.


Photo of Dr. Lanju Zhang

Lanju Zhang, Ph.D. AbbVie

In recognition of his dedicated service and extraordinary leadership as the Chair of the Organizing Committee for the 2017 ICSA Applied Statistics Symposium.

President’s Citation 2018
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